Adapto PRO - Get it all!

Choose Adapto Pro and all functionalities, videos, and statistics will open up to you. Personal implementation and ongoing leadership support is now also freely available.

Go PRO and your everyday leadership is on track to do wonders for you and your team.

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How do I get Adapto PRO?


Book a demo with one of our experienced leadership consultants and we'll set you up:

New to Adapto? Lovely, welcome! Just sign up to Adapto PRO directly following this link: Sign up to Adapto PRO

Team activity

All functions available instantly

Pick Adapto PRO and get instant access to everything in Adapto. This includes Team activity. Team Activity gives you a great overview of all your team members most recent activities. It's also your interactive 'to-do'-list always keeping you on top for your employee relations.



advancec statistics

Advanced statistics

Adapto PRO opens the advanced statistics in your Dashboard. Learn when and how your team responds to smiley check-ins. understand your team's support needs, take a look at your applied leadership skills and much more.



Advanced learning

Advanced learning and support

Chat with your digital assistant Anna to get smart access to all learning resources including exclusive access to video-library.

Live chat with highly experienced leadership experts to get personal advice and coaching.


Your Adapto PRO subscription automatically opens new modules as they are released.