Prepare for a 1:1 meeting

Preparation is king! Here is how you prepare for a 1:1 meeting in Adapto

Preparation is the key to make one-on-one meetings time well spent. When both parties know what’s coming, they’ll walk in ready to make a difference.

Here's a short video on how to prepare for 1:1 meetings. Below the video you can see how to do it in Adapto.

How to prepare for a 1:1 meeting in Adapto

Preparing for a 1:1 meeting is simple and straightforward in Adapto. Here's how it works:

When your employee has prepared for a meeting, Anna will prompt you to prepare for the meeting as well..

You'll find the meeting in the activity stream under the selected employee

There are 4 simple steps in the preparation:

Preparing for 1:1 meetings in Adapto
  1. Read your employees preparation
  2. Learn from Anna's suggestion
  3. Write down your notes
  4. Make an agenda

You start by reading your employee's preparation.

1. What do they hope to get out of the meeting?

2. What situation or task would they like to address?

3. What is their primary challenge?

4. What can you as their manager do to support them?

By doing so you'll understand more about their situation and you can start reflecting on it.

Next step is Anna's suggestions. She will, based on your employees preparation, suggest some actions you can take and provide selected learning material for you. These are typically short 2-3 minute videos and sometimes she also finds a job aid for you. We highly recommend to go through this material.

You can then make notes for the meeting

The meeting agenda is automatically created, and you can add to it and share it with your employee.

Send the meeting agenda to the employee.

Now both you and your employee are fully prepared for the meeting and there is no excuse for not making the meeting a great success. Enjoy!

Want to learn how to run a 1:1 meeting?